How to grow garlic from a clove in pots

You can actually grow garlic in a garden as well as in pots or containers.

Planting in pots and containers and placing them indoors can also limit your plant’s exposure to insects and diseases.

So choose your container or pot at least 10” to 12” around, I have been using old buckets, which are 12” around and I planted 6-8 cloves in each bucket.

You can start garlic by just buying a bulb from your local supermarkets or grocery store or for a better quality buy from a garden centre. Just remember…you buy a bulb and when you separate them they are cloves. All you need to do is plant a clove into the pot, or several cloves in a pot or container.

Garlic is very easy to grow and don’t need a lot of care. It literally plant them and leave them to grow!

Fill your pot or container full of compost or a mixture of compost and top soil. Take a bulb and split into cloves. Plant the cloves, with the pointy end up, and push them into the soil about 2/3” deep and about 4” apart. Cover the cloves with soil. Garlic does like a nutrient-rich soil, so add chicken pellet manure or blood, fish and bone meal so that it can feed the plant. Make sure you place the garlic is grown in full sun, in well-drained soil to get the best results.

Best time to plant garlic

The best times to plant garlic is either February to March or October to November. Just keep the garlic as weed free as possible. You can mulch around the plants by using grass clippings. Feed the garlic plants either with chicken manure pellets, fertilizer or liquid feed.

Water the garlic whenever it feels dry by sprinkling it evenly. You don’t want to overwater as garlic can be prone to root disease.


Garlic is usually ready to pick in June/July, August which depends on when you planted them, the tops of the garlic will start to turn yellow and die back, lay them out to dry in the sun and brush of the soil. Once dried you can braid garlic and hang it so it dries further.

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