Why (and where) every vegetable gardener should use cinnamon in a vegetable garden

Did you know you can use cinnamon as an alternative to… plant rooting hormone?

Well, it’s true.

Just apply cinnamon powder to the stem of the cutting before you plant it. And that’s it. You’ll save money on buying expensive rooting powder.

But this isn’t the only surprising way cinnamon powder can be used in the garden. There are many other amazing uses for cinnamon.

Take for instance ant control. If you have ants coming into your garden or house sprinkle a line of cinnamon powder. This will stop any ant invasion. That’s because ants hate cinnamon.

Also, you can use cinnamon as first aid for plants. Where you have a branch break off from a stem, then sprinkle cinnamon powder over the cut. This enables the plant to heal and recover much faster. It also prevents any fungal attack.

Cinnamon is anti-fungal. So if your plants are attacked by a fungus make a cinnamon spray to kill off the fungus. It’s a safe and natural method instead of any poisonous off-the-shelf product.

You should also sprinkle cinnamon over your seedlings as they start to emerge. This will encourage better germination. That’s because doing this stops any fungal attack when seedlings are at a vulnerable stage.

And how about cinnamon to deter rabbits.

If rabbits are damaging your vegetables then sprinkle a line of cinnamon around them. The cinnamon gets on their paws and then their nose. The cinnamon gets in their nostrils and irritates them. So the rabbits will be deterred from coming back.

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