Growing tremendously delicious kohl rabi

Kohl rabi is a lovely vegetable you can grow in your garden or in containers. It tastes like a sweet-tasting cabbage. It matures very quickly and it also grows well in cooler climates, which makes it a perfect vegetable for the UK weather.

How to sow kohl rabi seeds:

You can start growing kohlrabi in pots, containers or sow straight into your garden area. It prefers sunshine but can grow in partial shade.

Fill up your container or pot or alternatively get your soil ready by digging it and rack it over. In a pot or a container sow several seeds, depending on the size of the pot.

Sow the seeds about a month before your last frost of the year, sow them about a quarter of an inch deep and either space the seeds about 1” apart or sow as thinly as you can, as they need some room, the bulb grows above ground, so they need to be spaced at least 3” apart in the end

Kohl rabi comes ina purple or green variety, which makes them look very cool in any vegetable garden.


Caring for kohlrabi seedlings:

You must try and keep the seedlings weed-free, and you can do this by mulching around the plants, my favourite way is using grass cuttings, as they create a layer on the ground and keep the weeds down and also keep moisture in the ground. It’s best for the soil or compost for kohlrabi to remain moist, and that’s why mulching is good as it helps retain the moisture. Kohlrabi may only need feeding once or twice with some general fertilizer, but only feed them as the plants start to mature or you can add some blood, fish, and bone meal to the soil.

You need to water regularly as kohlrabi like water. So make sure the pots and containers do not dry out.

You can pick the kohlrabi bulb when they are about 2 to 4 inches in width.

You can pull the plant out or cut the base of the bulb. People enjoy eating kohlrabi raw or steamed.

Kohlrabi is a great vegetable to grow and should be in every ones garden.

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