Delicious spicy rocket leaves that add a punch to your summer salad

Rocket is one of the quickest growing leafy salad leaves that you can grow. You can grow rocket in the garden, pots, containers, or planters

Rocket is best sown in successions from spring to autumn and is ready to harvest four to six weeks after sowing. The young succulent leaves are very tasty.

You can cut and eat them for several weeks.

How to sow rocket seeds

Choose a spot in your garden, or pot, or container, rocket likes to grow in a sunny spot. Make sure the garden soil is well-draining, add fertilizer or chicken pellets. Mark the soil with a hoe about 5mm deep, and sow the seeds very thinly along your row, cover lightly and water.

Alternatively, if you are growing the rocket in pots, containers or planters then fill the pot with compost water the compost, scatter the seeds very thinly and then scatter a thin layer of compost over the seeds.

Once the seeds are up you can fertilise every week with liquid plant food.

We harvest our rocket in sections, either cut individual leaves or take a pair of scissors and cut an area to just where you see new growth coming through. Then give this a liquid fertilize for it to get a boost and start growing again.

There are different rocket varieties, choose a variety you like.

You need to keep rocket well-watered, especially in hot, dry weather, as otherwise, the leaves can taste bitter, but the plant will also more likely bolt.

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